Good news, everyone. If you want an Xbox Series X, the console is currently (as of 13:30PM) available for pre-order at Game in the UK. Previously, the console has sold out within seconds of appearing online, but availability has now persisted for around 30 minutes. You can find the console at Game here, with most units being delivered later this month. There are two options available: Xbox All Access and Xbox Series X bundles. The bundles are pretty straightforward - you normally get the console itself plus an additional accessory like a controller, a Game Pass Ultimate subscription or a piece of merchandise like a t-shirt. Selling the console alone results in a tiny profit for retailers, so it’s not surprising to see them allocate most of their consoles to these bundle deals while stock remains hard to find. Generally the cheaper bundles will go out of stock first, so consider checking the more premium options as long as they include items that you can get some use out of - and remember you can sell the extras on Ebay or give them to friends and family if you don’t need them yourself! All Access is a finance option where you pay for the Xbox Series X and Xbox Game Pass Ultimate over a two year period. You pay nothing up front and, all things considered, it works out cheaper than buying the console and the Game Pass Ultimate subscription outright. However, it does require a credit check and prompt repayments, so do check the terms and conditions to understand what you’re getting into. Once again, the link to Game’s selection of Xbox Series X pre-orders is here. I hope this post was helpful. For quicker updates, do consider also following us at @dealsfoundry, where we post hard-to-find items and tech deals as we discover them. We’ll see you next time!

Xbox Series X is finally purchasable at GAME - 11