Booth streamed a “quick AMA” video on Twitch (ironically, six hours long) in which a fan asked if the duo were involved in Metroid Prime’s music (thanks VGC). Both Booth and his musical partner Rob Brown appear in the credits of the 2002 game, sparking much speculation as to their involvement. Watch on YouTube Metroid Prime 4 - First Look - Nintendo E3 2017 “I am violating an NDA technically by saying this, but basically we got asked to do the soundtrack by [Retro Studios],” said Booth. “We met up with them in Austin. They were really keen and we were really keen, because it’s fucking Metroid - the best game ever. And then Nintendo borked it for some reason and wanted their guy to do it, so that was that really. “I don’t know how much involvement they had in the sound of it, or whether they intentionally tried to make it sound a bit more us, but I don’t think so really. I’ve read people saying that they think it sounds a bit like us, but I don’t think it does. But it’s subjective really.” The influential duo rose to prominence in the 1990s electronic scene and are known for their abstract and experimental style. The Metroid Prime score was ultimately composed by series composer Kenji Yamamoto instead. It’s rumoured that a remaster of Metroid Prime is on the way to Switch this year, with its two sequels set to follow next year.