Norco unfolds in the “sinking suburbs and verdant industrial swamps” of a surreal, future South Louisiana, where players - in the role of a rebellious teenage girl - embark on a quest to find their brother, Blake, missing after the death of their mother. What follows is ostensibly a point-and-click adventure, but one that aims in all sorts of directions, with Eurogamer’s Chris Tapsell somewhat futilely summing it up as a “text-adventure, turn-based party battler, boat-navigating… poem… puzzler?” in his review. “It’s striking, surprising, novel,” he wrote. “It’s nothing less than extraordinarily beautiful. And like the increasing number of games that want to go a little further than distracting us from these things and instead wrestle with them head-on, it is mesmerising.” In other words, Norco is well worth checking out when it comes to PlayStation 4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Game Pass on 20th October.